Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 14

Phew...I'm all caught up!
Day 14 (1.10.09): Tonight was a little crazy. Coda had his first sleep over with one of his best friends, Zachary. We just got them into "bed", they aren't even close to being asleep. But, hey, they're in the room. We had lots of fun. A bit hectic, but fun. We took Coda's bed down and set up a big camping tent for them to sleep in. They played toys, v-smile, had a pizza party, watched a little bit of The Mighty Ducks, roasted marshmallows, did shadow puppets, phew...I'm getting tired just thinking of everything they did in a short 4 hours. Oh, we also did an art project. We made little frames, that I will print this picture out for them. I'll try and remember to take a picture of the final project and put it up on the blog for you to see.

1 comment:

  1. It looks & sounds like they had so much fun! I bet you're pooped. :)
