Saturday, February 7, 2009

week 6

Hello. I know, I have been a huge slacker on posting. But honest, I'm not behind and I haven't missed a day yet. ;) I'm going to post final layouts for the weeks that I missed, but here is week 6 (Feb 1-7) that I just got done doing tonight. I decided to go all digital this week. Let me know what you think. It's definitely more time consuming getting all of the type to line up correctly and look the way I want it, but I think it adds a whole different dimension to the album.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OMG...these look FANTASTIC!! You are doing an amzing job! I'm so jealous...still no kit for me, called CK and they said they are still "on the way". Hmmm...I would like to get going already. Ah well. Thanks for posting and keep up the great work!
    Jodi :)
